About Us


You're in the right place and we're glad you came!

We're all in on BBQ because of the community we discovered, and we want to expose as many people to this wonderful community as possible.

That's why we exist: to help you to become the hero of your backyard brisket, provide some laughs, and as a reminder to “go for it,” or as we say “roll the bones”.

It's important to us that meat and non-meat main courses both play a big role in BBQ. Below is the story that got us there.


"I’d been a strict vegetarian for 5 years, and I was pretty set in my veggie ways. I traveled home to Texas for Thanksgiving in 2022, and the morning of the big day, my mom surprised me with, “Will, you’re smoking us a brisket today.”

I should have seen it coming because she mailed me a copy of Aaron Franklin’s A Meat-Smoking Manifesto a few months prior and I had no idea why. I figured it was one of those moments when meat eaters ironically pretend to forget their vegetarian friends don’t eat meat (vegetarians, you know what I’m talking about).

Turns out, she was priming the pump. After a little grumbling and gruff breathing, I decided to give cooking that brisket a shot. I read the brisket chapter of Franklin’s book that morning, and I don’t know how we did it, but somehow my mom, brother-in-law, and I finished that brisket in about 6 hours. Something that usually takes 12+ hours. I tried some and went to flavor town on a rocket ship. The brisket was so good that we smoked a second one that night, which is absurd.

I left Texas thinking I’d like to smoke some more food, and the next month I bought a smoker, modified it, and smoked my fiancé’s family a brisket for Christmas. After that sequence, I was full-stop smoking meats.

It’s hard to beat smoked meat, and I’ll do plenty of that. But I want to bring along the vegetarians too, and there's some ground to cover on the badass smoked veggie front. Leroy and Lewis in Austin, TX has a kickass smoked cauliflower burnt end. I want to help shake that left-out feeling I felt as a vegetarian at BBQ joints by developing more recipes like that -- non-meats that standup as mains.

That’s what I’m rolling the bones on. I’m taking a shot at being a little bit off the traditional BBQ center by shifting the lens just a little bit towards non-meat BBQ dishes that can stand up to meat dishes, and broadcasting what I learn as far as I can on social media channels... half man, half meat, half veggie (because forget math)."